Law Firm Supports Next Generation of Musical Talent

Peter Lynn and Partners Solicitors have continued their support of the Abertawe Festival for Young Musicians (AFYM) concert by sponsoring this year’s piano class for beginners and Grade 1 pianists.
The festival, which the law firm has been supporting for over 7 years, celebrates the talents of up-and-coming musicians from Swansea and the surrounding areas.
“We have been involved with the AFYM concert for a number of years,” said Peter Lynn, “and are always blown away by the talent of these young musicians.”
Culminating in a concert at Mansion House, Swansea in April, the legal practice will also be providing a bursary, the winner of which will be announced at the event.
Michael Turbervill, a committee member with AFYM said, “We are grateful to Peter Lynn and Partners for continuing to provide a bursary and for their ongoing support of the festival.”