Peter Lynn And Partners – Preventing Legal Problems

For many people, a law-firm is seen as a resource to use when something goes wrong, and while we are certainly there to help in times of crisis, it is more beneficial (and cost-effective) to try and prevent issues arising in the first place – we specialise in “Preventing Legal Problems”.
Business partners, customers, suppliers, staff; many aspects of a business have the potential to cause significant problems if mishandled.
Far too often, businesses operate without any clear terms in place, and it is not until something goes wrong that they realise how exposed they really are.
Business partnerships formed on a handshake, recruiting staff without employment contracts, selling goods or services without terms and conditions; these are just a handful of examples we see regularly.
One thing is certain, a few hundred pounds spent reviewing or drafting the necessary legal documentation can potentially save tens of thousands of pounds if a problem ends up in court, not to mention the stress.
Here are some of the areas where we can add value and protect your business:
Shareholder Agreements
Stating who owns what and how these shares can then be transferred, in the event of a dispute or the need for a split for any other reason. Crucially, such agreements will also deal with how profits and shares are valued.
Partnership Agreements
Crucial to determining who owns what and precisely what is contained within the partnership and what is not. Failure to document partnership agreements can lead to lengthy battles, in the event of dissolution or statutory rules being applied that you never knew existed!
Finance Agreements
We can offer advice on types and range of finance available, security required and draft the necessary agreements
Service Contracts
Providing a mechanism to deal with a director leaving voluntarily or otherwise and managing any post-termination restrictions.
Employment Contracts
We can regulate employees with up to date contracts, policies and perhaps an insured scheme.
Terms and Conditions of Business
We can regulate your customers and possibly suppliers with your own terms and conditions of business to clearly state delivery, payment, plus many other terms that are critical to avoid a litigation battle.
Commercial Property
We can offer property advice on purchases and leases to avoid major financial claims including significant service charges or dilapidations claims.
Mergers & Acquisitions
By combining acute business acumen with extensive legal experience, we can navigate existing agreements, liabilities, employment and financial issues. From TUPE to debt restructuring and supplier management, our skilled team will seek to protect your interests at all stages of the deal.
Regulatory Advice
From hospitality and catering to renewable energy and logistics, many sectors are heavily regulated and our experienced teams can help guide you through the legal requirements and keep you on the right side of the law.
These are just some of the areas of law we can help prevent legal problems for your business however to develop the right course of action; we recommend you arrange a free initial meeting with one of our corporate law team members by contacting 01792 450010 or email [email protected]