Peter Lynn and Partners Supports Pen Y Bryn School Production

Swansea’s leading law firm, Peter Lynn and Partners, have sponsored Pen Y Bryn Special School’s forthcoming DVD & Book on Dylan Thomas.
The feature documentary will showcase people and places linked to Swansea’s famous son and will be made entirely by the staff and pupils from the school.
James Williams, Enterprise Co-ordinator at the school, said; “We wanted to create a documentary featuring places and interviews with people linked to Dylan Thomas that would hopefully include Dylan Thomas’ Birthplace, the Dylan Thomas Centre along with people linked to Dylan and celebrity interviews. To get the idea off the ground, we required sponsorship and are extremely grateful to Peter Lynn and Partners for supporting our project.”
This is the latest in a series of Pen Y Bryn productions the law firm has supported and Senior Partner, Peter Lynn, recently visited the school to meet staff and students and to take part in an interview.
Peter commented, “I have visited the school on many occasions, and it always impresses me how they help students learn through innovative methods such as producing books and videos. On this occasion, I was interviewed by the students and thoroughly enjoyed the morning there.”
The video of the interview is below and the Dylan Thomas DVD and book will be launched at a special event during the summer term.

Peter Lynn with staff and students from Pen Y Bryn Special School, Swansea